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Zowel Pixel (mm) als Pixel XL (5mm) worden duurzaam geproduceerd uit bio-plastics. De pixelmatjes zijn 1 recyclebaar. Ben je benieuwd wat je kunt creëren met deze pixels? Hobbyware is no longer accepting orders. In the following paragraphs, we will show you the materials you will use and give you an idea how this craft works.
Pixelhobby is an addictive mini-mosaic craft. A fantastic hobby for all ages, fun and easy to learn, this craft will have you addicte not only with ready made kits but creating your own masterpieces. How to fix your baseplates together after finishing a design. Fuel your creativity and craft inspiration.
Join our family today! You can do it yourself! Use a picture of your children, grandchildren, pets, loved ones, a random image from the internet etc. HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US.
PixelHobby is the FUN CRAFT for the ENTIRE FAMILY. The Wright Enterprises. Our standard angel policy applies. Pictures are created using small squares called pixels which are about 2mm square by placing them onto a hard clear plastic baseplate.
These fun frames are sized for single baseplate pixel hobby projects. They come in vibrant colours you can choose from and fit a standard baseplate snugly without the need for adhesives. MosaiCraft provide beautiful and unique quality mosaic craft kits.
They are enjoyable, fun and very addictive being suitable for the whole family (even Dad)! Danmarks billigste pris. We just added some new kits to our website! De skal ikke stryges.

Check out the images of the kits here then go to our website to find more details on the kits and place an order! All hobby artwork ships within hours and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. It’s a picture built up in pixel squares that are placed onto a baseplate or keyring, creating your very own pixel image.
Our range starts from Magnet Kits, Keyrings to 1-Baseplate Kits and beyond. A great hobby for young and old. Etsy has thousands of handcrafted and vintage products that perfectly fit what you’re searching for.
Discover all the extraordinary items our community of craftspeople have to offer and find the perfect gift for your loved one (or yourself!) today. Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. Shop with confidence.
No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the worl our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options.
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