2017. február 13., hétfő

Came top 432na programozás

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Why choose the CAME TOP432NA remote control ? Programming a Came T432NA Remote Control. Skip navigation Sign in. Came Top 432na 43Mhz Transmitters - Duration: 1:38. Paul Tinkler 83views.

Emellett memorizálja a TOP távirányítók kódját azaz az egész TOP sorozattal. Came Top432na is a very popular gate remote control widely used in European countries,.

Compatible with Came TOP - 432NA , Came TOP - 432EV , Came TOP - 432SA , Came TOP - 432M and Came TOP - 432S remotes. Rugged construction from ABS plastic. It has buttons, one for your gates and one for your garage door.

T ávkapcsoló Leírás T OP -434NA Csatornánként kódolható négycsatornás távkapcsoló ÁLTALÁNOS LEÍRÁS A terméket teljes egészében a CAME fejlesztette ki és gyártja. Instruction Manual for CAME TOP 432NA Remote Control. Includes TOP - 432NA. They are slim, lightweight and robust in design with a long battery life of typically two years.

Find Came 432na now! Blue LED means new remote control, while Red LED means old remote control already programmed in. MHZ Compatibility tested using the latest equipment.

Checks frequency, code type, power and the match to original remote. Auto frequency scan. Mhz Supports 1-devices Long battery life. Rubberized durable casing. Dimensions: Length - 6.

The CAME with the reference TOP 432NA is a remote for gates with grey buttons, using the frequency 433. Product description and properties If your gate is equipped with a motorization, you will need a remote control to simplify the remote piloting of your drive. CAME TOP 432EE REMOTE CODING INSTRUCTIONS CODING YOUR NEW REMOTE During the coding process, if you press one of the buttons of the already programmed remote control first, you run the risk of erasing the codes of all of the remote controls that have already been programmed 1. Press both top buttons on your new remote control at the same time. Note from our DIY expert : The remote control CAME TOP 4EE has a perfect and ergonomic design to open your automated gate from almost any position, shock resistant. Re: Dálkový ovladač Came TOP 432NA.

Dobrý den, cena bez DPH je 4Kč, cena vč. Ve Zlíně si můžete ovládač vyzvednout a zaplatit jen po předchozím objednání. Came TOP-432EE Diaľkový ovládač (vysielač) s prepracovaným dizajnom pre pohony brán a závor CAME.

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